Spatial Services


GIS Consultancy Services

Baseline survey of your GIS system/needs

We conduct a baseline survey on your GIS system to identify and analyze your business needs, goals and objectives, risk factors and measure the outcomes of your business and determine the resources required for your GIS systems.

Strategic GIS plan development

In consultation with your organization, we develop a geospatial strategy in order to establish and improve your GIS system so that you can get the maximum return on your business investment.

GIS infrastructure development and plan implementation

After determining all areas of your business needs and improvement we propose a GIS infrastructure and GIS solution depending on your budget.

Data evaluation

We first evaluate your existing data (if there is any) and determine if they need to be corrected or collected for your organization.

Data collection, preparation and management

We will then collect, prepare, organize and manage all your GIS data and incorporate them up within your GIS systems so that they are fully functional to meet your business needs with maximum outcomes for your investment

GIS system establishment

We will then let you run your systems on your own to ensure that you are satisfied with your GIS system


Spatial Information Services

  • Data collection
  • Data processing, manipulation and analysis to support your decision-making process
  • Data formation
  • Data conversion (Vector and Raster)
  • GPS data conversion for map production
  • Data validation of imagery and aerial photography
  • Digitisation of point, line and polygon features
  • Image processing, interpretation and analysis
  • Map production- individual or series maps of corporate standard

Field of Services – Areas covered by or GIS services

  • Land Conservation
  • Natural Resource / Asset management
  • Forestry Sectors/ Horticulture
  • Utility industries

Technical services

We also provide technical services so that you can run and maintain your own GIS organisation with the highest productivity.

map production

  • Create customised map (electronic and hard copy) with your own data
  • Sample Map: Power Station Distribution Map

Web map service

  • Web Map Service- Create your map online

For any inquiry, please contact us or call on 0402929007 to get the most out of our services.