Course Description – How to use Qfield
This is a one-day practical training course introduces
- Field data collection using GPS devices
- Download data to QGIS from GPS devices
- Clean data if required
- Process, manipulate data for analysis and map production
- Create map using field data

What you will learn
This one-day extensive training course will help you gain basic skills on how to collect point, line & polygon features from the field, how to clean and process them to prepare for analysis and map production using QGIS tools and plugins with no prior knowledge about QGIS.
- Introduction to data collection process using GPS device
Practical exercises:
Exercise-1: Understanding of GPS manual device setting, learning the overall set up and functions of the device, Coordinate Reference System (CRS), how to set up the device for field data collection.
Exercise-2: Downloading data from the GPS device to PC and opening them in GIS platform. Saving the data.
Exercise-3: Understanding of data layers, Exploring different vector layers (i.e. Point, Line & Polygon), exploring different types of data, overlaying layers, properties, information & layer source; coordinate reference system etc. identifying different features on the maps using field collected data, exploring attribute tables of point, line, polygon features, understanding the link between the spatial and attribute data, selecting / deselecting attributes, using expression query, filtering data, symbolising and use of different style of point, line & polygon; labelling features.
Exercise-4: Saving/ creating shape files for Point, Line and Polygon; calculating coordinates for point, Length for Line and areas for Polygon features; saving Point, Line , Polygon as .shp files and other formats (e.g TAB, KML, CSV etc.)
Exercise-5: Creating maps; creating maps with Map Composer, Adding maps elements, for example, Title, Legend different layers of choice; Scale bar & Scale, North Arrow and any note. Choosing right Text and background for each map element; saving the map template of your choice, printing maps, exporting maps in PDF, Image formats. Finally saving the project for future use.
Exercise Data: Data will be collected in the field and you can take them home for future exercises
The outcome of this course: Upon completion of this course you will learn
- How to set up and use GPS device and prepare for data collection with safety
- How to collected data in the field using GPS devices
- Adding, editing, Interpreting, manipulating, analysing data symbolizing and classifying vector and displaying open source imagery
- Producing professional maps (electronic and paper) with minimal or no supervision.
Please contact us if you have any questions.